oh my god i love minecraft so much you guys literally have no idea the absolute chokehold this game has on my life. I have about 10000 hours in this stupid ass game and i cannot believe I have wasted over 400 precious days of the only life that God has given me playing stupid block game. Too bad I love stupid block game. Just like a victorian child I yearn for the mines, and I dont go a day without wishing I could be playing minecraft and listening to my favorite youtube videos. Thats what quarantine does to a man. I cannot believe that I was that ill, and that now I am about a year sober. I havent touched minecraft, except in the extent of playing around with an application that allowed me to play a compact version of alpha minecraft on my Wii. But that is stupid and one off so it doesnt count. But still, I am sober and I am so proud of myself for resisting the urge to play stupid block game. Life is so much better now that I am aware of what wasting your time looks like. I still live in fear of dying every single day, and the guilt of wasting any of that time doing things that dont matter or have no value consumes me and causes me to waste more of my time worrying. I have spent many hours in therapy trying to allow myself the opportunity to waste time without spiraling because of it, but sometimes I still fail to escape that. I do try my very hardest every single day. Sometimes, and more than often now, I have been succeeding, and am slowly feeling better. That is what loving minecraft less than i love life itself does to a mf.