Hello and welcome to Roar News! I am your host, the incredibly handsome and magnificent Rook, here with all of the latest news. First, you will get weather Rookie. California has been experiencing some unusual weather lately. Despite being late March- with spring break and all its festivities- it has been rainy and cold! The next couple days here will be filled with rain and wind! Who knew! Soon enough, I will be able to bask in the warm spring sunshine and dip my paws in the pool. Who even knows when that will happen, though? Anyways, on to the news. Lately, we have been facing tragedy here in the studio. Emma, Nick's beloved cat, has been feeling hunger! Oh, the pain! She is never ever fed! Noooo! She cannot go any longer before eating some more food... but luckily, dinner time rolled around here at the studio and her life was saved. Thank you to all you heroic pet owners out there that are so kind not to let their pets STARVE TO DEATH. The world would truly not be spinning without you. Thank you for tuning in today to Roar News!